You've heard of Ebonics, well here's Scranton, Pennsylvania's version!
The newest words are on the bottom of the
list! Enjoy!
Updated on October 16, 2002
Kuzzints: Your uncles children.
Clozeda light: Will you please turn the lamp off?
Onnakowna: Because (I got a flat tire onnakowna someone dropped nails on da road.)
Pellow: Where you put your head when you sleep onnakowna youre tired.
Buh-uns: Those little white round things on the front of your shirt.
Kupple-too-tree: The number of missing buh-uns you might have.
Hayna: Excuse me, but did I just sound as silly as I think I did? (It really means aint it?)
Jeet jet?: Gee, I was wondering if you had anything for dinner?
No, jew?: Well, no, golly, but I was wondering the same thing about you.
Jaunt-too?: Do you want to?
Wock: What you take the dog for at night.
Tock: What you do on the phone.
Plimmit: A muted reference to Plymouth, Pennsylvania.
Dee Eynon: Sugermans Department Store. (R.I.P.)
Turdy-ate: Used to be WOLF-TV, Channel 38. Now it's WSWB 38.
Up Da Line: Up Scrah-un way.
Nanny Coke: Across the river from West Nanny Coke.
Lannick City: That place on the Jersey Shore where all of the bingo buses are going these days.
Melk: A drink that goes good with cookies.
Da You: The U. (The University of Scranton)
Otto: A car.
Over town: Downtown.
Downtown: Over town.
Tarupe: Throop, Pennsylvania.
Ackamee: The place where you get da grocery order. (ACME R.I.P.)
Haitch Beeyo: HBO, the cable TV all night movie station, I tink.
Baah-ul: That ting dey put Gibbons and Steg in. (A Baa-ul is a barrel, steg is beer)
I totso: I thought so, too.
Corpse house: Where else in the world do they call funeral parlors corpse houses?
Beer garden: The place where you go to pick up a six-pack of Steg.
Wah?: What?!
Tot: What Mr. McArdle tried to do in school :)
Lonn more: It cuts the grass.
Rude aidy: The road that takes you to Penn State.
Atha Leets: Lots of good ones play for Penn State.
Bot tings: What you did with your money at dee Eynon.
Da moll: The Viewmont Mall up on the highway. Theyre always having big sales.
Da Steamtown: The other mall over town.
Wadder: Comes out the fosset.
Be-endat: Means because.
Hoddog: Tastes great with soss on it.
Filem: In some cultures, this is what you say when you bring your empty beer glasses to the bar. Here filem is the thing you put in your camera.
Arthur Idas: What retired atha leets take Excedrin for.
Burgarly: When you enter a building without permission and maybe take something.
Burgalry: A garbled form of burgarly.
Yuge: Really big.
Zenit: That brand of TV that you watch the Penn State atha leets on.
Swoyerville: Swoyersville. Don't ask why. No one knows.
Hose house: The place where dey keep da fire trucks. Sometimes called a fire barn, and usually found between a corpse house and a beer garden.
Hox: The basketball team in Lanna, Georgia
Axe: Ask
Termistat: thermistat
Bub: light bulb
Winda: as in "closeda winda, da ya live in a barn?"
Haf a cuppa caffee: half a cup of coffee
Up da mall, and down da mall: Viewmont and Steamtown respectively
Karpendale: Carbondale, PA
Sowside Scrah-uhn: Southside Scranton, PA
Nangano: Nagano, Japan, where dey had dem `lympics
Axed: the past tense version of Axe (see above)
Paupack: Lake Wallanpaupack
Quanity: Quantity
Bigmintin: Binghamton
Tumb: (noun) Your thumb; (verb) to hitchhike, example = I tumbed in onnakowna my hog got stolen.
Da boad of em: The both of them.
Ba-troom: a place to relieve yourself
Ba-tree: battery
A couple too tree: How many times have you been on the Coal Mine Tour?
Budaydos: potatos
Chalk-lots: chocolates, what ja buy at Gerty Hocks when yur up da mall, wockin and tockin.
Tinkin: when you put your brain in gear.
Sangwitch: What cha eat when you go up dee Eynon.
dahn tahn DOpahnt: Downtown Dupont, PA
Alla Youz: How you address several people at once
twahny yearce ahgo: 20 Years Ago
radarater: the thing heat comes out of
offah: He knocked da glass offah the table.
roof in the leak: a common saying when water comes down from the roof
nooyourkas: people who vacation in the area (from anywhere outside the area) for the summer, generally found in the Moscow-Gouldsboro area of Lackawanna County
up da mount'n: Montage Mountain Ski Resort, where concerts are held
da rena: First Union Arena, Wilkes Barre PA (also called the "FU Arena")
John: People named John typically don't have last names. They're only referred to by profession as John DaBanker, John DaCarpenter, John DaRoofer (or DaLeaker), or John DaPlumber. A guy named Frank who ordered a cup of coffee in the diner everyday became known as John Caffee. - Dan
warsh: Did you remember to warsh behind your ears? -or- I warshed my shirt.
punkin: Goes well with thanksgiving dinner
doverman: The dog
er wha: or what?
pank: as in if you sit in the snow when you get up it's all panked down, this may strictly be a green ridge thing, but we insist it's a word!
chimley: chimney
pitza frita: fried dough
crick: a place where wadder run truit and ya can go fishen
pie-ano: the music instrument with 88 keys
tray of pizza: tray of pizza
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Last updated on 10/16/02
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